Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 page
Miss Giles - Hippo Class
Miss Gillatt - Lemur Class
Useful Information
Homework - Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday. Homework in Year 4 will be Spellings and Times tables.
Multiplication tables check - Year 4 will have a multiplication tables check in June 2025. This will test them on their recall of multiplication facts up to 12 x 12. They will have 25 questions and will have 6 seconds to answer each one on a laptop. Please use TTTS as much as you can at home to encourage recall of multiplication facts.
Reading - Please record reading at home in reading records. Reading records will be checked daily. Their achievements are shown on their class reading tree. Every child has an apple on the tree which moves around as their days reading at home increase. It becomes very competitive to be the first one to reach the 'Golden Apple'!
PE - We have 2 PE lessons per week - 1 outdoor and 1 indoor. Please ensure suitable PE kit is in school (including a change of footwear) Monday to Friday.
Autumn Term 2
In Autumn 2, our theme is Take One Scientist. We will focus on Christian Doppler who discovered the Doppler effect. This links nicely to our science topic about sound. Furthermore, we will look at the Ancient Greeks, including the mythical creatures, gods, the Olympics, and understand their use of democracy.
Autumn Term 1
This term, our theme was Take One World. We learnt about our class animals, which are all endangered species, and considered how we could help to protect them. We also looked at a variety of maps and began to navigate using grid references and OS symbols.
Useful Websites
Here are some useful links that you can look at. The links to videos / activities are listed below:
Reading Eggs - Reading Eggs | Where Children Learn to Read Online