School Council
This year's School Council representatives are:
Sharks - Ivy
Pandas - Joseph
Polar Bears - Rhys
Hippos - Alfie
Lemurs - Oliver
Giraffes - Juliette
Tigers - Dominik
Orcas - Meyra
Leopards - Imogen
Red Kites - Norgen
Our current projects:
We recently met and have decided to make some posters to advertise our upcoming disco - Details to follow!
Our School Council aims to encourage our children to:
- Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities
- Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people
- To have a “voice” and to share their opinions and ideas with others
We value the benefits of having a School Council. The School Council represents the whole school. Our School Council work will enable pupils with positive attitudes to exert a positive influence. Everyone will benefit from the work of the School Council.
Our School Council aims to ensure our children have:
- A safe, happy and fair learning environment
- An opportunity to take an active role in the organisation of the school
- An opportunity to experience a democratic process
Our School Council should encourage pupils to develop:
- A sense of ownership over whole school decisions
- A responsibility towards the school community and environment
Our School Council should give pupils the experience of:
- Planning, organising and monitoring small projects
- Speaking and listening skills
- Basic budgeting and managing money
Our School Council aims to prepare our pupils for citizenship by teaching them about roles, rights and responsibilities within the school system.
- One representative from each KS2 class
- Link Teacher (Miss K Giles)
- Minutes will be recorded by the Link Teacher
It is a very responsible job, and School Council Members will share information with their class, and get ideas and views from pupils by talking to the class and teacher.
Running the School Council Meetings:
Miss Giles takes notes during the meeting, as do the Councillors, and the notes should assist the feedback classes receive after the meeting.
At the end of the School Council’s meeting, everyone needs to know what they have to do next.