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Sponsored Reading Challenge

Alongside the infant school, we will be running a sponsored ‘Reading Book Challenge’ in association with Usbourne Books for two weeks from 20th February to Friday 3rd March.

Clarendon Junior School would like to invite you to take part in this fun reading challenge. Children are sponsored to complete as many of the challenges as they can in the grid for the duration of the event and all the money raised will go towards brand-new books for our schools.

In addition to the sponsorship money, Usbourne will also donate 60% of the total raised in extra free books for the schools. So for every £600 raised, we would get an extra £360 in free Usbourne books.

If you have children in both schools, you can complete this challenge as a family rather than each child needing to complete it separately. Any money raised can be sent in to either of the schools and we will share the money evenly between the Infants and the Juniors.  

Should you wish to support our sponsored reading challenge, please find enclosed a sponsorship form for your child along with a grid of challenges to complete.

After the event, please send all the sponsorship money that your child/family has raised to the school by Friday 10th March.