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Latest News

Look here to see the latest news and what we have been doing in school!

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  • Theatre Group Visit

    Published 26/05/23

    The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling

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  • Year 4 trip to Oxenwood

    Published 15/05/23

    Year 4 trip to Oxenwood 

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  • Year 5 Legoland

    Published 25/04/23

    Year 5 trip to Legoland 27th March 

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  • School Librarians

    Published 21/04/23

    This term, a child from each class has been chosen to become a school librarian. They will help to tidy and organise our library. Alongside this, as the term progresses, they will be able to offer advice and help to children who need it.  This could range from helping to use the computerised system or recommending and helping to choose books to read.e enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Red Nose Day

    Published 14/03/23

    Don't forget to wear red on Friday 17th March for Red Nose Day.  Donations of £1 for this charity!

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  • Book Fair

    Published 06/03/23

    Thank you for all your support with the book fair. It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying looking at the wonderful books. Thanks to your support, we have been able to obtain a good number of books for our library so that everyone can enjoy them. Thank you!

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  • World Book Day

    Published 02/03/23

    World Book Day at Clarendon Junior School 2023

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  • Y3 visit to Lepe Beach

    Published 01/03/23

    Year 3 visit to Lepe Beach 27th & 28th February

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  • Year 6 Army Flying Museum Trip 24.2.23

    Published 26/02/23

    Exploring how planes were used during World War One

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  • Sponsored Reading Challenge

    Published 20/02/23
    Alongside the infant school, we will be running a sponsored ‘Reading Book Challenge’ in association with Usbourne Books for two weeks from 20th February to Friday 3rd March. Clarendon Junior School would like to invite you to take
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  • Year 4 Wessex River Trust

    Published 08/02/23

    Year 4 Wessex River Trust Visit

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  • Jamie Knight - Professional Football Freestyler

    Published 30/01/23
    On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, we were lucky to welcome back Jamie Knight, who is currently one of the world's best Professional Football Freestylers. He began the day with an assembly, showing the children a routine of some of
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