Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 page
Miss Hayday - Shark Class
Mrs Longbourne - Polar Bear Class
Mrs Peill - Panda Class
Useful Information
Homework - Homework will be given out on a Friday and due in on the following Wednesday. Homework in Year 3 is Spellings and times tables which are tested on a Thursday. All the children have been given a login sheet for Times Tables Rock Stars and Reading Eggs which they can use to practise times tables facts and reading skills at home. If you cannot find your login sheet, please contact your class teacher who can sort out a copy to keep at home.
Reading - Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week at home. Please record reading at home in reading records. Reading records will be checked daily, and a record kept of how many times children have read at home. Children earn apples for certain numbers of daily reads and these get displayed on a class reading tree in the classroom.
PE - We have 2 PE lessons per week - 1 outdoor and 1 indoor. Please ensure PE kit is in school from Monday to Friday.
Below is information about our learning this term as well as links to useful websites to support learning at home.
Autumn Term 2 - Take One Scientist
Our focus for Autumn Term 2 has a scientific theme and is focussed on exploring the scientist Michael Faraday and his contribution to the exploration of magnetism. This links with our Science topic of forces and magnets.
In English lessons, our work will focus on the text 'Stone Age Boy'. We will explore the story and box up the main ideas to help us understand the structure of the story. In grammar sessions we will explore adverbs and inverted commas for speech, applying these to our own writing. We will write our own versions of Stone Age Boy and edit and improve our writing. We will then use the text to explore writing instructions. In spelling sessions, we will focus on using phonics and spelling patterns to spell familiar consonant sounds before exploring words from the Year 3/4 word lists. We will also focus on ensuring that our handwriting is joined and legible.
In Maths, we will continue our work on addition and subtraction of numbers up to 1000 before moving on to explore multiplication and division. We will consolidate our 2x, 5x and 10x tables this term, becoming more fluent in rapidly recalling facts from these multiplication tables.
Use the videos below to help practice your 2x, 5x and 10x tables:
In Science lessons this term, we will be exploring forces and magnets. We will identify forces such as pushes and pulls and explore the effect friction has on moving objects. Then we will look at magnets and magnetic forces, identifying how they work and explore magnetic and non-magnetic materials. Look at the knowledge organiser below for more information about our learning:
Wider Curriculum Work
Our History topic this term is Stone Age to Iron Age. We will explore life in the Stone Age and compare it to life in the Bronze Age and Iron Age, looking at the key changes during these periods of history.
Our French topic is All About Me, and in PE we will be focussing on dance and hockey. In DT, we will be exploring levers and linkages before designing, making and evaluating a moving Christmas card. Our learning in RE will explore how Muslims show their submission and obedience to Allah.
Have a look at the Knowledge Organisers below to find out more about our learning this term:
Useful websites to support learning